What is a Gaming PC? An Introductory Guide for Computer Beginners

ゲーミングPCのイメージGaming PC

Have you ever wanted to enjoy games on a gaming PC in the best possible condition? For playing the latest titles and graphically beautiful games comfortably, an ordinary PC often falls short. This is where a “gaming PC” comes into play. In this article, we will explain the basics of gaming PCs and how to choose one in an easy-to-understand manner, even for beginners.

Definition of a Gaming PC

A gaming PC refers to a high-performance computer specially designed for gamers to enjoy games comfortably. Unlike general office or home PCs, gaming PCs consist of high-performance components that can smoothly play demanding games, such as the latest 3D games and VR games.

Gaming PCs are equipped with high-performance hardware and designed to maximize game performance. For gamers, it is an ideal choice to provide a comfortable gaming environment.

Main Features of a Gaming PC

When choosing a gaming PC, it is important to understand its main features. Gaming PCs are equipped with high-performance components that set them apart from general PCs and are specially designed to make gameplay comfortable. Let’s take a closer look at the main features of a gaming PC.


First, the high-performance CPU (Central Processing Unit) must be mentioned. The CPU is considered the “brain” of the PC and greatly influences the processing speed and overall performance of games. Especially when playing the latest games or VR (Virtual Reality), the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously is required. High-end processors such as Intel’s Core series or AMD’s Ryzen series are suitable for gaming PCs.


Next in importance is a powerful GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). The GPU is responsible for rendering the game’s graphics in real-time and directly affects the game’s frame rate and graphic quality. NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX series and AMD’s Radeon RX series are popular, providing high-resolution and smooth visuals. The latest GPUs equipped with ray tracing technology significantly improve the game’s immersion by making reflections of light and shadow expressions very realistic.


RAM (Random Access Memory) is also an important feature. RAM is used to temporarily store game data for quick access. Generally, gaming PCs are equipped with 16GB or more of RAM, and choosing 32GB or more allows for smoother processing of multiple tasks.


Storage is also a point not to be overlooked. A high-speed SSD (Solid State Drive) dramatically shortens game startup and loading times. This reduces waiting time during gameplay, allowing for a stress-free experience. Compared to traditional HDDs (Hard Disk Drives), SSDs are very fast in reading and writing data, making them suitable for storing game data.

Cooling System

Moreover, an excellent cooling system is also a crucial feature of a gaming PC. Since the CPU and GPU become heavily loaded during gameplay, effective cooling is necessary. There are air and liquid cooling systems, each with its benefits. Choosing the right cooling system can prevent performance degradation and extend the PC’s lifespan.


Lastly, the customization capability is a significant attraction of gaming PCs. Users can select and upgrade parts according to their needs and budget. This allows you to always incorporate the latest technology and maintain an optimal gaming experience.

These are the main features of a gaming PC.

Uses of a Gaming PC

While gaming PCs are designed primarily for enjoying games, their use is not limited to that alone. A gaming PC equipped with high-performance hardware demonstrates its power in various scenes. Let’s take a closer look at the main uses of a gaming PC.

Optimal Gaming Environment

First and foremost, gaming PCs are designed to enjoy the latest games in the best environment. Modern games offer very realistic graphics and complex gameplay, which require high processing power. Gaming PCs, equipped with powerful CPUs and GPUs, can run these games smoothly. Playing at high resolutions and frame rates greatly enhances game immersion, providing players with an overwhelming experience.

VR Support

Next is support for VR (Virtual Reality) games. VR offers a new form of entertainment by providing an immersive experience in virtual space, requiring very high processing power. Gaming PCs can use their performance to work with VR headsets, providing smooth real-time visuals. This allows you to fully enjoy VR games and applications.

Streaming and Content Creation

Additionally, gaming PCs are suitable for streaming and content creation. For streamers who broadcast gameplay live on platforms like Twitch or YouTube, the PC’s performance is very important. A high-performance CPU and GPU enable high-quality streaming by encoding video while playing games. Furthermore, gaming PCs’ performance is useful for creative tasks such as video editing and graphic design. They can comfortably run heavy software like Adobe Premiere or After Effects, allowing for efficient work.


Gaming PCs are also used for advanced tasks such as programming and 3D modeling. Game developers and designers use high-performance PCs for real-time previews and simulations. This significantly improves work efficiency, allowing creative ideas to take shape quickly.

Everyday Computing

Moreover, gaming PCs easily handle everyday computing tasks. They can be comfortably used for general purposes such as web browsing, office software usage, and video watching. High-performance hardware excels in multitasking, processing multiple tasks simultaneously and enhancing productivity.

Overall, gaming PCs perform in a wide range of uses, centered around gameplay.

Components of a Gaming PC

Understanding the components is crucial when choosing a gaming PC. Gaming PCs consist of high-performance components specially designed to maximize performance. This article will explain the main components of a gaming PC in detail.


Let’s start with the CPU (Central Processing Unit), often called the “brain” of the gaming PC. The CPU greatly influences the overall performance of the PC. It determines the processing speed and multitasking ability of games, with Intel’s Core i5/i7/i9 series and AMD’s Ryzen 5/7/9 series being popular. High-performance CPUs with multiple cores and threads are particularly necessary for the latest and VR games.


The next important component is the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). The GPU processes the graphics of games in real-time. It provides high-resolution and smooth visuals, enhancing the frame rate and quality of the game. NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX series and AMD’s Radeon RX series are representative, with the latest models equipped with ray tracing functions significantly improving game immersion.


RAM (memory) is necessary to temporarily store game data and access it quickly. The larger the RAM capacity, the faster the game load speed and multitasking performance. Generally, 16GB of RAM is recommended for gaming PCs, but choosing 32GB or more for higher performance is also an option.


Storage is also a crucial factor for a gaming PC. A high-speed SSD (Solid State Drive) significantly shortens game startup and loading times. Compared to traditional HDDs (Hard Disk Drives), SSDs are very fast in reading and writing data, making them suitable for game data management. M.2 NVMe SSDs provide even faster data transfer speeds, delivering the best gaming experience.

Cooling System

A cooling system is another essential component. Since the CPU and GPU are heavily loaded during gameplay, effective cooling is necessary. There are air and liquid cooling systems, each with its advantages. Air cooling is simple and easy to maintain, while liquid cooling effectively disperses heat and is also superior in quietness.


The motherboard connects all components and determines the expandability and functionality. Gaming PC motherboards often come with gaming features such as overclocking capabilities, high-quality audio, and RGB lighting.


Lastly, the power supply unit (PSU) is an essential component that supplies stable power to all parts. The higher the wattage and efficiency, the better the system’s overall stability. Choosing a high-efficiency PSU with 80 PLUS certification maintains high performance while reducing power consumption.

These are the main components of a gaming PC. Understanding how these parts work together will help you choose the best gaming PC for your needs.

How to Choose a Gaming PC

Choosing a gaming PC is an important step toward a new gaming experience. However, it can be challenging to decide which one to choose. Here, we will explain the points to consider when choosing a gaming PC in detail.

Set a Budget

First and foremost, setting a budget is crucial. Gaming PCs range from entry-level to high-end prices, so you can find a model that fits your budget. Entry-level PCs have sufficient performance to play general games and are relatively affordable. On the other hand, high-end PCs have the performance to enjoy the latest AAA titles and VR games at the highest quality. Decide on a budget based on the level of games you want to play and the extent of future upgrades you are considering.

Prebuilt PC vs. Custom-built PC

Next, consider whether to purchase a prebuilt PC or build a custom PC. Prebuilt PCs are already assembled and sold ready to use. This saves time and effort, making them recommended for beginners. Additionally, since they come with a manufacturer’s warranty, you can be assured in case of trouble. On the other hand, custom-built PCs allow you to select and assemble parts yourself, offering high customizability and cost performance. By taking on the challenge of custom-building, you can understand the PC’s structure and make future upgrades easier.

Choosing Key Components

The performance of a gaming PC is determined by its key components. In particular, the CPU and GPU are directly related to game performance, so choose carefully. Popular CPUs include Intel’s Core i5/i7/i9 series and AMD’s Ryzen 5/7/9 series. GPUs like NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX series and AMD’s Radeon RX series are highly rated. Select the appropriate model based on your budget and required performance.

Selecting RAM and Storage

RAM and storage are also important factors. Generally, 16GB of RAM is sufficient for a gaming PC, but considering future upgrades, choosing 32GB is also a good idea. For storage, an SSD is recommended to shorten boot and load times. In particular, M.2 NVMe SSDs are fast and ideal for game installation and data access.

Cooling System and Power Supply Unit

Don’t forget about the cooling system and power supply unit. Effective cooling is necessary for gaming PCs with high-performance parts. There are air and liquid cooling options, each with benefits, so choose one that suits your needs. Additionally, the power supply unit is crucial for providing stable power to all parts, so choose a high-efficiency unit with 80 PLUS certification.

Comparing Brands and Models

Finally, compare brands and models. Reliable brands offer high-quality parts and excellent support. Refer to reviews and user feedback to check for issues and overall satisfaction.

Where to Buy a Gaming PC

When purchasing a gaming PC, where you buy it is also an important point. The price and service vary depending on the purchase location, and making the optimal choice can greatly affect your satisfaction. Here, we will explain the main places to buy a gaming PC and their merits and demerits.

Online Shops

One of the most common places to buy is online shops. You can purchase gaming PCs on various online platforms such as Amazon, Newegg, Rakuten, and Yodobashi Camera. The biggest advantage of online shops is the wide selection and competitive pricing. You can compare multiple stores to find the lowest price and take advantage of sales and campaigns to save even more. Additionally, you can refer to reviews and ratings to get a sense of the actual user experience.

However, online shops also have disadvantages. Since you cannot check the actual product, you may feel that it is different from what you expected after purchase. There are also concerns about shipping issues and initial defects, so it is important to choose a reliable shop.

Physical Stores

You can also buy gaming PCs at physical stores such as electronics retailers and PC specialty stores. The biggest advantage of physical stores is that you can actually see and touch the products. Consulting with store staff while choosing a product that meets your needs is reassuring for beginners. Large stores like Bic Camera and Yodobashi Camera offer a wide range of products for comparison.

The demerit is that prices tend to be higher compared to online shops. Also, depending on the store’s stock status, the desired model may not be available. You can improve cost performance by taking advantage of price negotiations and point rewards.

Secondhand Market

Another way to get a gaming PC at a reasonable price is to use the secondhand market. You can find good deals at secondhand PC specialty stores, online auction sites, and recycling shops. The biggest advantage of the secondhand market is that you can get a high-performance PC at a lower price. Especially for models released a while ago, the price is often significantly lower than new ones.

On the other hand, secondhand PCs come with risks. You don’t know how the previous owner used them, and the internal condition is unknown, increasing the possibility of malfunctions or defects. It is important to thoroughly check the operation and warranty before purchasing.

Manufacturer’s Official Site

Lastly, you can buy directly from the manufacturer’s official site. This offers reliable products and support. Additionally, you can take advantage of customization options and campaigns exclusive to the official site.

In conclusion, each purchase location for gaming PCs has its merits and demerits, and it is essential to choose one that suits your needs and budget. Compare online shops, physical stores, the secondhand market, and official sites to make the best choice.

Advice for Beginners

Entering the world of gaming PCs can be exciting yet slightly daunting for beginners. Here are some key points to know when choosing your first gaming PC. These tips will help you make the best choice.

Identify Necessary Specs

First, check the recommended specs of the games you want to play. While high-performance PCs are required for playing the latest AAA titles and VR games, less powerful PCs can suffice for enjoying indie games or classic titles. Check the necessary specs on the game’s official site or review sites and understand the required performance.

Set a Budget

Gaming PCs vary widely in price, so set a budget first. If you seek overly high specs, it might exceed your budget. Set a budget within categories such as entry-level, mid-range, and high-end, and find the best configuration within that range. If possible, consider future upgrades and set a slightly flexible budget.

Choose a Balanced Configuration

The parts of a gaming PC must be balanced overall. For instance, even with the latest high-performance GPU, an outdated CPU could bottleneck and not utilize its full potential. Choose a balanced configuration considering the CPU, GPU, RAM, and storage. Especially the combination of CPU and GPU is crucial to draw out each other’s performance.

Prebuilt PC vs. Custom-built PC

For beginners, the choice between a prebuilt PC (already assembled) and a custom-built PC (self-assembled parts) can be tricky. Prebuilt PCs are easy and come with warranties, offering peace of mind, but custom-built PCs have high cost performance and customizable options. Beginners might first consider a prebuilt PC to learn the basics and then challenge custom-building in the future.

Use Reliable Sources

Use reliable sources of information on the internet. Specialized review sites and tech channels on YouTube provide detailed explanations of parts’ performance and usability. Also, participating in PC-related forums and communities can offer opinions and advice from actual users.

Plan for Maintenance and Upgrades

Maintenance is essential after purchasing a gaming PC. Regular cleaning and software updates keep it in optimal condition. Also, consider future upgrades and choose a configuration with high expandability. Plan to upgrade parts gradually to cope with new games and technologies.

Maintaining a Gaming PC

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your gaming PC in top condition. Neglecting maintenance can lead to performance degradation and malfunctions. Here are the basic points for maintaining a gaming PC.

Regular Cleaning

Dust easily accumulates inside a gaming PC. Dust clogging the cooling fan or heat sink reduces cooling performance, raising the PC’s temperature. This can cause the CPU or GPU to overheat, leading to performance degradation or failure. Regularly open the PC case and use an air duster to blow away the dust. Additionally, carefully clean the cooling fan and heat sink.

Software Updates

Software updates are also an important part of maintenance. In particular, updating graphics drivers, BIOS, and Windows enhances the PC’s stability and security. Applying the latest drivers and updates improves compatibility with new games and software, maintaining a comfortable gaming environment. Develop a habit of responding quickly to update notifications.

Hardware Inspection

Regularly checking the hardware condition is also important. Especially cooling systems and power supply units may degrade over time or due to usage. Check whether the cooling fan is rotating correctly and if there is any abnormal noise from the power supply unit. Additionally, check if the internal cables are correctly connected and not loose.

Storage Management

Managing storage is also crucial. Installing many games and software can fill up the SSD or HDD, slowing down the operation. Regularly delete unnecessary files and unused software to ensure storage space. Performing disk cleanup and defragmentation (for HDDs) optimizes storage performance.

Temperature Management

Temperature management of the PC is also essential. Overheating causes performance degradation and malfunctions. Use dedicated software to monitor the temperature of the CPU and GPU. If the temperature is too high, consider adding cooling fans or reapplying thermal paste. Especially in summer, room temperature also affects, so use air conditioning to maintain an appropriate temperature.

Regular Backup

Regularly backing up important data is also essential. Regularly back up save data, custom settings, screenshots, and other valuable data to external storage or cloud services for peace of mind.

By regularly performing these maintenance tasks, you can maximize the performance of your gaming PC and use it comfortably for a long time. A little effort will help extend the lifespan of your precious PC and continue to provide the best gaming experience.


When purchasing or using a gaming PC, many people have questions and concerns. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) with easy-to-understand answers. Beginners, please refer to these as well.

Q1: What specs are necessary for a gaming PC?

A: The required specs depend on the type of games you play. For playing the latest AAA titles at high settings, we recommend at least the following specs:

CPU: Intel Core i5 / AMD Ryzen 5 or higher
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 / AMD Radeon RX 5600 or higher
RAM: 16GB or more
Storage: 512GB SSD or more

For indie games or lightweight titles, lower specs may suffice. Check the recommended specs of the games you want to play and choose based on that.

Q2: Which is better, a custom-built PC or a prebuilt PC?

A: Each has its pros and cons. Custom-built PCs allow you to select and assemble parts yourself, offering high customizability and cost performance. However, assembly requires knowledge and time. Prebuilt PCs are sold ready to use, making them convenient and reassuring for beginners, but they offer less customizability and are often more expensive. Beginners might first consider a prebuilt PC to learn the basics and then challenge custom-building.

Q3: How long does a gaming PC last?

A: The lifespan of a gaming PC varies depending on usage and maintenance but is generally said to be around 3 to 5 years. Regular cleaning and software updates, along with proper part replacement and upgrades, can extend the lifespan. Particularly, the rapid evolution of GPUs and CPUs means upgrading these parts every few years helps keep up with the latest games.

Q4: How should I cool my gaming PC?

A: There are two main cooling methods for gaming PCs: air cooling and liquid cooling. Air cooling uses fans to dissipate heat, making it easy to maintain. Liquid cooling uses coolant for efficient heat dissipation and is suitable for high-performance PCs but requires more installation and maintenance effort. Choose based on your PC’s usage and budget. Improving airflow inside the PC case also helps with effective cooling.

Q5: How to choose the best monitor for a gaming PC?

A: When choosing a gaming monitor, consider the following points:

Resolution: 1080p (Full HD), 1440p (QHD), 2160p (4K), etc. Choose a resolution that matches your PC specs.
Refresh Rate: 60Hz, 144Hz, 240Hz, etc. A higher refresh rate provides smoother visuals, especially important for FPS games.
Response Time: 1ms to 5ms is ideal. Faster response times reduce ghosting in fast-paced scenes.

These FAQs should help answer common questions and guide you in selecting and using a gaming PC for the best gaming experience.


A gaming PC is an essential item for enjoying games in the best condition. However, choosing and maintaining one involves many factors. Here, we’ll briefly recap the points explained so far and provide tips for selecting the best gaming PC.

Definition of a Gaming PC

A gaming PC is a high-performance computer equipped with powerful components designed to play the latest games smoothly. Unlike ordinary PCs, gaming PCs feature enhanced parts such as GPUs (Graphics Cards) and CPUs (Central Processing Units).

Main Features

The main features of a gaming PC include powerful CPUs and GPUs, large RAM capacity, fast storage (SSD), and excellent cooling systems. These parts combine to provide a comfortable gaming experience. Customizability is also a major attraction.


Gaming PCs are not only for gameplay but also for VR (Virtual Reality) games, streaming, content creation, and various other uses. Their high performance makes them suitable for advanced tasks such as programming and 3D modeling.


The components of a gaming PC include the CPU, GPU, RAM, storage, cooling system, power supply unit, and motherboard. Understanding how these parts work together will help you choose the best gaming PC.

Choosing a Gaming PC

When choosing a gaming PC, consider budget setting, comparing prebuilt PCs and custom-built PCs, and selecting key parts carefully. Choose the best configuration based on your gaming style and future upgrade plans.

Where to Buy

Where to buy a gaming PC is also important, as the price and services vary. Compare online shops, physical stores, the secondhand market, and official sites to make the best choice.

Advice for Beginners

For beginners, identifying necessary specs, setting a budget, choosing a balanced configuration, and using reliable information sources are crucial. Also, planning for maintenance and upgrades is important.


Maintaining a gaming PC involves regular cleaning, software updates, hardware inspections, storage management, temperature management, and regular backups. Doing these ensures the PC’s performance is maximized and its lifespan extended.

Considering these points, find the best gaming PC for you and enjoy a great gaming experience. With thorough information gathering and planned choices, you can fully enjoy your gaming PC life.