What is a BTO PC? Perfect for Those Who Know Their Specific Use!


Have you recently considered buying a computer? You might have come across the term “BTO PC.” Unlike pre-built PCs found on store shelves, BTO PCs can be customized to meet your specific needs. Whether you want a high-performance GPU for gaming, large memory for video editing, or a reliable PC for business, BTO PCs are the ideal choice for those with specific requirements.

When purchasing a computer, a common issue is not finding one that perfectly matches your specifications. Pre-built PCs sold in electronics stores are designed to cater to a broad range of users but may not always meet your specific needs. This is where BTO PCs come into play. In this article, we will explain the basics of BTO PCs, their advantages and disadvantages, how to choose one, and the key components involved. By the end, you’ll have the knowledge needed to find the perfect PC for you.

What is a BTO PC?

Have you heard of BTO PCs? BTO (Build To Order) means “made to order” and refers to computers customized based on the customer’s specifications. If you are considering buying a computer, a BTO PC might be an attractive option.

Typically, when purchasing a computer, people opt for pre-built PCs. However, since pre-built PCs are made with predetermined specifications by the manufacturer, it can be challenging to find one that perfectly fits your needs. This is where BTO PCs come in.

The most significant feature of a BTO PC is its customization. Users can freely choose components such as the CPU, GPU, memory, storage, motherboard, and power supply unit according to their needs and budget. For example, a gamer wanting to enjoy the latest games can select a high-performance GPU, while a creator working with data analysis or video editing can choose large memory and fast storage.

Another advantage of BTO PCs is their cost performance. By excluding unnecessary features, you can keep costs down while ensuring the required performance. In other words, you can spend money only on the parts that matter to you.

However, there are also disadvantages to BTO PCs. First, it often takes time from ordering to manufacturing and shipping, making it difficult to get a BTO PC immediately, unlike pre-built PCs. Additionally, selecting the right parts requires some technical knowledge. Without understanding compatibility and performance, you might not get the expected performance, and system stability could be affected.

Despite these disadvantages, the customization and cost performance of BTO PCs make them very attractive to many users. If you want a PC that perfectly matches your needs, consider a BTO PC. The joy of building your own machine and its performance will surely satisfy you.

Advantages of BTO PCs

The most significant advantages of BTO (Build To Order) PCs are their customization and cost performance. Let’s look at these benefits in more detail.


The primary advantage is customization. With a BTO PC, users can freely select components such as the CPU, GPU, memory, storage, motherboard, and power supply unit. For example, a gamer who wants to enjoy the latest games at high settings can choose a high-performance GPU and large memory to meet those demands. In contrast, for business use, selecting a reliable CPU and fast SSD can significantly improve work efficiency. This ability to achieve the optimal specifications for your purpose is a major attraction of BTO PCs.

Cost Performance

Next is cost performance. Since you can choose only the parts you need, you don’t waste money on unnecessary features. For instance, while selecting a high-performance GPU for gaming, you can avoid an expensive CPU that isn’t necessary for general tasks. This way, you can get the best performance within your budget. Additionally, by selecting and assembling parts yourself, you can eliminate middleman margins, keeping costs down.

Adoption of the Latest Technology

Another benefit is the ease of adopting the latest technology. With a BTO PC, you can choose and install the latest CPUs and GPUs, ensuring your PC environment is always up to date. For example, when a new game is released, selecting the latest GPU ensures the best gaming experience.


Future expandability is also a significant advantage. Since BTO PCs are customizable, they are easy to upgrade in the future. For example, even if you start with the minimum memory due to budget constraints, you can add more memory later to improve performance.

These benefits make BTO PCs highly attractive. Customizing a PC to meet your specific needs, achieving cost performance, and adopting the latest technology make BTO PCs an excellent choice for many users.

Disadvantages of BTO PCs

While BTO (Build To Order) PCs have many advantages, they are not a perfect choice for everyone. Understanding the disadvantages is important. Here, we will discuss the drawbacks of BTO PCs in detail.

Longer Time to Purchase

Firstly, BTO PCs take longer to purchase. Since they are assembled based on your order, you can’t get a BTO PC immediately like a pre-built PC. Especially if certain parts are out of stock or the customization is complex, manufacturing and shipping can take several weeks or more. This can be a significant drawback if you need a computer immediately.

Technical Knowledge Required

Another disadvantage is the need for technical knowledge. When purchasing a BTO PC, you need to select components like the CPU, GPU, and memory, which requires some understanding. For beginners, this can be challenging. Without understanding compatibility and performance, you might not get the expected performance. Additionally, selecting the wrong parts can affect system stability.

Limited Warranty and Support

Furthermore, warranty and support can be limited. Due to the high customization of BTO PCs, the manufacturer’s warranty and support may be limited compared to pre-built PCs. Especially if you assemble the PC yourself, each part may have different warranty conditions, making troubleshooting more complicated. Some manufacturers may not have a well-established support system, leading to delays in resolving issues.

Considering these disadvantages, BTO PCs may not be the best choice for everyone. Particularly for those who need a computer immediately or lack technical knowledge, pre-built PCs or reliable manufacturer PCs might be safer options. However, understanding and addressing these drawbacks allows you to maximize the benefits of BTO PCs.

Despite these considerations, BTO PCs remain an attractive option for obtaining a PC that perfectly matches your needs.

How to Choose a BTO PC

BTO (Build To Order) PCs offer great customization, but their flexibility can also make choosing one challenging. Here are some key points to consider when selecting a BTO PC.

Choosing Based on Purpose

The first step is to clarify the purpose. When purchasing a BTO PC, it’s crucial to understand what you will use it for. For example, if you want to enjoy the latest games at high settings, you need a powerful GPU (graphics card) and a fast CPU. For business use, a reliable CPU and sufficient memory are essential. For creative work like video editing or 3D modeling, you need large memory and high-performance storage. Selecting parts based on your purpose ensures you get an efficient and optimal PC.

Setting a Budget

Next, set a budget. BTO PCs allow for customization, so achieving the best performance within your budget is essential. After setting a budget, decide which components to prioritize. For example, gamers should prioritize the GPU, while those doing creative work should focus on memory and storage. To keep costs down, consider selecting the minimum necessary specs with an eye toward future upgrades. Spend money only on the parts you need and avoid unnecessary features to maximize cost performance.

Selecting a Reliable BTO Manufacturer

Choosing a reliable BTO manufacturer is also important. Many BTO manufacturers exist, but reliability and support vary. Choosing a manufacturer with high ratings and excellent after-sales support can prevent future issues. Research reviews and reputations to find a trustworthy manufacturer.

Choosing the Right Parts

Carefully selecting parts is crucial. Having a basic understanding of key components like the CPU, GPU, memory, and storage helps you choose the right configuration. For example, understanding the differences between Intel and AMD CPUs or the performance differences between NVIDIA and AMD GPUs makes the selection process smoother.

Post-Purchase Support

Finally, check the post-purchase support. It’s important to know whether the manufacturer provides prompt assistance if issues arise. Confirm warranty periods and support details to ensure a secure usage environment.

When choosing a BTO PC, consider the purpose, budget, manufacturer, parts selection, and support system. By evaluating these factors comprehensively, you can find the perfect PC for your needs.

Components of a BTO PC

The appeal of BTO (Build To Order) PCs lies in the ability to select parts that meet your needs. Understanding which components are essential and how to choose them is crucial. Here, we’ll look at the key components of a BTO PC in detail.

CPU (Central Processing Unit)

The CPU is often called the “brain” of the computer and is a critical component. The two major manufacturers are Intel and AMD, each with distinct features. Intel CPUs have high single-thread performance, making them strong in gaming and general tasks. On the other hand, AMD CPUs excel in multi-thread performance, making them suitable for heavy tasks like video editing and 3D rendering. Choosing a CPU that fits your use case is crucial for overall performance.

GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)

The GPU is especially important for gamers and creators. The main manufacturers are NVIDIA and AMD. NVIDIA’s GeForce series offers high gaming performance, while AMD’s Radeon series provides good cost performance. For enjoying games at high settings, choose a high-performance GPU. For video editing and 3D modeling, consider professional GPUs like NVIDIA’s Quadro series.

Memory (RAM)

Memory acts as the computer’s workspace. The more memory you have, the more tasks you can handle simultaneously. For general use, 8GB to 16GB is sufficient, but for gaming and creative work, 32GB or more is recommended. The speed (clock speed) of the memory also affects performance, so choose a balanced option based on your needs.


Storage includes HDD (Hard Disk Drive) and SSD (Solid State Drive) for data storage. SSDs offer faster read and write speeds, leading to quicker boot times and application launches. Recently, combining a fast NVMe SSD for the system and a large HDD for data storage has become common practice to balance speed and capacity.


The motherboard connects all components. Ensure compatibility with the CPU, memory, and storage, and consider future expandability when choosing a motherboard. Check for support for the latest standards and necessary ports.

Cooling System

Cooling systems are crucial for high-performance parts. There are two types: air cooling and liquid cooling. Air cooling is simple and requires less maintenance, while liquid cooling offers higher cooling performance and is suitable for overclocking and high-load tasks. Choose a cooling method that matches your usage environment.

Power Supply Unit

The power supply unit provides stable power to the entire computer. Estimate the necessary power and choose a unit with some margin. Selecting a reliable brand ensures long-term stability.

Understanding these components and selecting parts that meet your needs is the key to building an ideal BTO PC.

Purchasing and Assembling a BTO PC

Here’s a detailed explanation of the purchasing and assembly process for a BTO PC.

Ordering Process

Start by accessing the website of a trusted BTO manufacturer and navigating to the customization page. Here, select parts such as the CPU, GPU, memory, and storage. Many sites provide descriptions and recommended combinations for each part, which you can use as a reference to choose components that meet your needs.

Next, confirm the total cost of the selected parts and ensure it fits your budget. Select payment methods and shipping options, enter the necessary information, and finalize the order. While this process may seem simple, choosing the right parts is crucial. If you’re unsure, consider consulting the manufacturer’s customer support.

Assembly Options

When purchasing a BTO PC, you can choose to assemble it yourself or have the manufacturer do it. Here are the basic steps for self-assembly:

Self-Assembly Steps

  • Preparation: Wear an anti-static wristband to prevent static electricity and prepare the assembly area.
  • Installing the Motherboard: Attach the motherboard to the case and install the CPU, memory, and M.2 SSD.
  • Power Connections: Install the power supply unit in the case and connect the power cables to each part.
  • Installing Storage: Mount HDDs or SSDs in the case and connect them to the motherboard.
  • Installing the GPU: Insert the GPU into the PCIe slot and secure it.
  • Case Assembly: Install case fans or cooling systems and ensure all parts are correctly connected.
  • Boot Test: After all connections are complete, power on the system to check for proper operation.

Assembling it yourself helps you become familiar with the internal structure of your PC, which can be useful for future troubleshooting.

Manufacturer Assembly

Alternatively, you can opt for the manufacturer’s assembly service. After selecting parts, simply choose the “assembly service” option. Professionals will assemble the PC, ensuring reliability and peace of mind for beginners. They also perform operational checks before shipping, so you can use the PC immediately upon receipt.

Receiving and Initial Setup

After ordering, your BTO PC will be delivered to the specified address. If you assembled it yourself, conduct a final check and install the OS and necessary software. For manufacturer-assembled PCs, power on the system and complete the initial setup to start using it right away.

With proper preparation and knowledge, purchasing and assembling a BTO PC can be a smooth process.

Use Cases for BTO PCs

BTO (Build To Order) PCs are popular due to their customization and cost performance. Here are some specific use cases demonstrating how BTO PCs are utilized.

Gaming PCs

For gaming enthusiasts, BTO PCs are an ideal choice. For example, to enjoy the latest AAA titles at high resolutions and frame rates, many users combine NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX series GPUs with Intel’s Core i7 or i9 CPUs. Additionally, 16GB or more of high-speed memory and NVMe SSDs for faster game loading times enhance the gaming experience. Custom cases with RGB lighting and high-performance cooling systems create visually appealing and highly functional gaming PCs.

Creative Workstations

For creators involved in video editing or 3D modeling, BTO PCs are essential tools. For instance, using video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve benefits from multi-core CPUs like AMD’s Ryzen 9 or Intel’s Core i9. Coupled with high-performance GPUs (e.g., NVIDIA’s Quadro series) and 64GB or more of memory, large projects can be handled smoothly. Multiple high-speed NVMe SSDs also maximize read/write speeds for project files.

Business PCs

In business settings, BTO PCs are highly effective. Office work, presentation creation, and data analysis require stable and reliable computers. For instance, Intel’s Core i5 or i7 processors with 8GB to 16GB of memory ensure smooth daily operations. SSDs provide quick boot times and fast application launches. Additionally, selecting a quiet case and energy-efficient power supply creates an efficient and comfortable working environment.

Student PCs

BTO PCs are also beneficial for students. Those studying programming, design, or video production need computers tailored to their learning styles. For example, programming students often choose lightweight, portable BTO laptops with Intel’s Core i5 or AMD’s Ryzen 5 processors, 8GB of memory, and SSDs. This setup ensures smooth compilation and debugging of programs.

BTO PCs can adapt to a wide range of users, including gamers, creators, business professionals, and students. By choosing parts that match your needs and budget, you can obtain an ideal PC.


Throughout this series, we’ve explored the appeal and advantages of BTO (Build To Order) PCs. In conclusion, we’ll discuss who BTO PCs are suitable for and their future prospects.

Who Are BTO PCs Suitable For?

BTO PCs are particularly suitable for the following users:

Customization-Oriented Gamers For gamers who want to enjoy the latest games at the highest settings, BTO PCs are ideal. You can select CPUs, GPUs, and memory to maximize performance. Additionally, you can customize the appearance with RGB lighting and advanced cooling systems, catering to both performance and visual appeal.

Creative Professionals For creative professionals handling video editing, graphic design, and 3D modeling, BTO PCs are invaluable. You can choose high-performance CPUs, large memory, and fast storage to create an optimal work environment tailored to your workflow.

Business Users BTO PCs are effective for business users seeking reliability and efficiency. By selecting specs suited to your work, you can ensure stable performance. Customizing for quiet operation and energy efficiency is also possible.

Students Deepening Their Learning Students studying programming, design, or video production benefit from BTO PCs. By selecting parts tailored to their studies, they can improve their learning efficiency. Lightweight, portable models are also available for comfortable work in various locations.

Future Prospects of BTO PCs

The greatest strength of BTO PCs lies in their customization and expandability. As technology evolves, the range of component options continues to grow. Each time new CPUs, GPUs, and memory are released, you can upgrade your PC to maintain the latest performance over the long term.

Moreover, environmental considerations are advancing, with energy-efficient parts and cases made from renewable materials becoming more common. This allows for the construction of eco-friendly PCs.

Final Thoughts

BTO PCs are the best way to obtain a computer tailored to individual needs. Gamers, creators, business professionals, and students can all build a PC that fits their ideal specifications. If you’re considering your next PC purchase, be sure to consider a BTO PC. Its freedom and performance will surely satisfy you.